
Category > Business Services > Services

Knowledge-Based Services

Company > ProMendoza

Mendoza is talent and creativity for the development of audiovisual production, video games, software, design, among others. SOFTWARE: The Polo TIC Mendoza brings together academic, business and pubic institutions linked to the information and communication technologies, whose mission is to insert Mendoza into the new paradigm of the digital revolution. VIDEO GAMES: Mendoza has great potential for the video game industry due to the number of specialized companies and professionals in the province. Its products are currently exported to the United States, Europe and Asia. AUDIOVISUAL: Mendoza has significant potential for the production of audiovisual content, including motion pictures, documentaries, web and TV series, animation, advertising, video games and e-sports. The cluster Film Andes brings together 150 existing production companies and developer studios, 7 local universities, and the national and local government.

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